The new NHS 111 service

NHS 111 service

The new NHS number to call when you need medical help fast but it’s not an emergency. Calling 111 will make it easier and faster for you to get in touch with your local health services. It will also make sure the 999 number is kept free for very serious emergency medical cases.

Call 111 when you need advice or medical treatment quickly and you cannot wait for an appointment to see your doctor. If you need emergency medical treatment, you must call 999. An emergency is when someone needs medical help to save their life.

When you call 111 you will speak to an adviser from the NHS 111 team. The team has trained advisers and nurses who can help you. They will ask you questions to find out what help you need. They will also tell you where you need to go to get this medical help and transfer you call to the service you need, or book an appointment for you, if possible.

Calling 111 is free at any time, day or night. More information is available at