Book to tip

Solihull tip – booking system is live

Solihull Council’s online booking system for trips to Bickenhill Household Waste and Recycling Centre (HWRC) is now live.  From Monday 21 September residents will need a pre-booked appointment to use the site.  

Solihull Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment and Highways, Cllr Ken Hawkins, said: “As we promised last month, the booking system for the tip is now live.  Social distancing will be with us for a long time to come so the new system will help us to combat the queues that have resulted from this.

Cllr Hawkins continued: “Please make sure you read the Visit the Recycling Centre page on the Council website before booking. This explains exactly what information you will need to hand when you book a slot.  If you don’t have access to the internet you can book by calling Solihull Connect on 0121 704 8000.

“We would still encourage residents to explore all other options – such as donations of useable items to charity shops or booking bulky waste collection

To find out more and to book a slot at the tip, please visit