Highways consultation, proposals for new no waiting restrictions Beechcroft Road, Kingsleigh Drive, Chester Road

Solihull MBC is consulting on proposals to install waiting restrictions at Beechcroft Road, Chester Road and Kingsleigh Drive through a proposed permanent Traffic Regulation Order.

SMBC, ‘The Council’, proposes to make this Order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 as amended, and all other enabling powers. The draft Order and reasons for making it can be seen in the links below, or obtained by written request from SMBC; or by visiting Solihull Connect, The Core, Theatre Square, Touchwood, Solihull during normal opening hours or online, click here.

To support or object to the proposals, please write to Mr L Stevenson, Resources Directorate, at Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council, Manor Square, Solihull, B91 3QB or via email to tro@solihull.gov.uk stating the reasons for the objection or otherwise by no later than 6 August 2020.

The proposals are:
Proposed Total Prohibition of Waiting at Any Time and the Statement of Reasons
Beechcroft Road (both sides) – from a point 15 metres north east of its junction with Chester Road, in a northerly direction, to a point 35 metres north of that junction.
Chester Road (both sides) – from a point 15 metres west of its junction with Kingsleigh Drive, in a westerly direction, to a point 42 metres west of that junction.
Kingsleigh Drive (both sides) – from a point 15 metres north east of its junction with Chester Road, in a north easterly direction, to a point 30 metres north east of that junction.

This plan shows the siting of the proposed areas of no waiting and the bus stop clearway at Beechcroft Road near its junction with Chester Road.