Government advice on visiting public places

You can spend time outdoors, including for exercise, as often as you wish. At all times, you should follow the guidance on group sizes and the guidance on staying safe outside your home – see the 12 points below.

If you can, you should avoid using public transport, and aim to walk, cycle, or drive instead. It is not possible to social distance during car journeys and transmission of coronavirus can definitely occur in this context. So avoid travelling with someone from outside your household or, your support bubble unless you can practise social distancing. If you need to use public transport to complete your journey you should follow the guidelines in place, and must wear a face covering.

You should plan ahead to ensure that, where you are visiting places like National Parks, beaches or other visitor attractions, you have checked that they are open and appropriately prepared for visitors. It is important to avoid large crowds where it may not be possible to socially distance.

When travelling to outdoor spaces, it is important that people respect the rules in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and do not travel to different parts of the UK where their intended activities there would be prohibited by legislation passed by the relevant devolved administration.

  1. Keep your distance from people outside your household
  2. Avoid being face-to-face with people if they are outside your household [or support bubble]
  3. Keep your hands and face as clean as possible
  4. Keep indoor places well ventilated
  5. Avoid crowded spaces
  6. Work from home if you can
  7. If you have to travel (for example, to work or school), think about how and when you travel
  8. Wear face coverings on public transport
  9. Avoid shouting or singing close to people outside your household or support bubble
  10. Reduce the number of people you spend time with in a work setting
  11. Wash your clothes regularly
  12. When at work or in business or public premises, follow the advice on site