Funeral Arrangements in Solihull

The Prime Minister announced on Monday 23 March that all events – except for funerals – must now be stopped in order to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus).
In Solihull this means that a maximum of six mourners from the immediate family are permitted to attend a burial or cremation at one of the Council’s cemeteries or crematoria. It also means that cemetery grounds are now closed to everyone else for the time being. In order to ensure the safety of our mourners, from 1 April access to the cemeteries will be managed by our security team to make sure that people abide by this decision.
We realise that this is very difficult for people but our priority must be to ensure everyone’s safety and to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). Families may wish to think about a celebration of life or a memorial after the pandemic has finished.
Message issued by Solihull Council 01/04/2020