Fly tipping

Having had more time than usual to tackle all those home tidying jobs we’ve been putting off for ages there is probably a lot more rubbish that needs to be disposed of. Please don’t be tempted to fly-tip. We have received advice on how to deal responsibly with unwanted items from Skip Search

The Do’s and Don’ts of waste disposal

  • Take your waste to a council run recycling centre. This will enable materials such as glass, cardboard and plastic to be recycled appropriately.
  • If you are paying someone to dispose of your waste; ensure that you check their waste carrier registration number and don’t be afraid to ask where they will be disposing of it.
  • Speak to your local council if you find that you have more waste than you can dispose of, they may be able to provide you with an additional bin or assist in the disposal of larger items.
  • Reuse items where possible or upcycle old furniture, this not only reduces the amount of waste in landfills, but also encourages creativity and innovation. If you have no other option, keep larger items at home until recycling centres reopen and the waste can be disposed of safely.
  • Join a local litter picking group, working together as a team will create a bigger impact for your community.
  • Hire a skip. These range in size and price and there will be an option for many budgets and items. These companies will dispose of waste in a safe and legal way.


  • Dispose of hazardous waste without advice from a specialist waste management business, this includes items such as asbestos and chemicals which could harm humans, animals or the environment.
  • Be tempted to dispose of your waste in the community, this could incur a fine or a prison sentence and can be harmful to humans, wildlife and the environment.