Changes to funeral arrangements in Solihull

Changes to funeral arrangements in Solihull (update 14 April)
Following discussions across the region, Solihull Council, along with the majority of councils in the West Midlands, will now be allowing up to ten mourners at funerals instead of the current six. Staff are contacting local funeral directors to let them know of the decision.
Mourners are also welcome to film and share funeral services with those not able to attend – using media platforms such as Facebook Live – provided they have permission from the funeral applicant and the funeral officiant or minister.
Solihull’s cemetery grounds continue to be closed to everyone else for the time being and access to the cemeteries is being managed by the Council’s security team to make sure that people abide by this decision.
The Council realises that this is very difficult for people but needs to ensure everyone’s safety and help to reduce the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). Families may also wish to think about a celebration of life or a memorial after the pandemic has finished.